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Zoi Boutopoulou

Personal Information

Zoi Boutopoulou

Research Assistant


  • Dimploma :
    in Electrical and Computer Engineering, D.U.Th. (2019)
  • Scientific Interests :
    renewable energy sources exploitation, integration of buildings into smart grids, power market and electrical power systems


Zoi Boutopoulou received the Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) in 2019. She followed the Energy Sector and her diploma thesis concerned DC microgrids. After her studies, she worked at COWBOY SA in Brussels, where she was member of the electronics laboratory and got involved in projects regarding battery management system and development of circuit boards for e-bike applications. In November 2020 she joined the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) of the Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CERTH) as research assistant. Her research interests include renewable energy sources exploitation, integration of buildings into smart grids, power market and electrical power systems.



Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology – Hellas
Email: zoibout@iti.gr