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Alexandros Kanlis

Personal Information

Alexandros Kanlis

Research Assistant


  • Dimploma :
    Electrical and Computer Engineering A.U.Th. (2014)


Mr. Alexandros Kanlis graduated from Electrical and Computer Engineering Dpt. of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.TH.). He is managing and working on various R&D projects at ITI CERTH.

Working with:

Real-time occupancy tracking and information extraction in buildings
Wearable sensors
Smart sensor networks
Low power wireless networking technologies (ZigBee, Thread, 6LoWPAN, LoRa, BLE)


Research interests:

Ultra low power and energy harvesting solutions
Embedded systems
VLSI systems
Low power wireless personal area networks


Embedded application development for a variety of platforms such as:

Microchip PIC
Atmel AVR
Texas Instruments MSP430
ARM Cortex-M
Espressif ESP8266


Wide variety of technical and analytical skills due to many years of professional experience with circuits and computer systems such as:

Back engineering abilities
Power, analog and digital circuit and PCB design and troubleshooting
Soldering and reworking abilities with experience in a wide range of PCB reworking tools
Technical support for information systems



Building C (Ganas) – Office B13
Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology – Hellas
9th km Thessaloniki – Thermi, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel.: +30 2311 257761
Fax: –
Email: alexkanlis@iti.gr